Wednesday, August 12, 2009

august, i'll see you soon

Okay okay okay okay, I am not complaining in the slightest, but August has been the BUSIEST! We're just about half-way through and I have barely had 5 minutes to even think about starting a project or even cooking for myself.

I started a new job - a good development, for sure.
A long weekend at the cottage - relaxing, beautiful, excellent all-around.
Six days/five nights in NYC - I mean, come on, amazing!
Another weekend at the cottage, this time with pals - super best times, right?

But there is still a small part of me that is thinking "if I only had time to change the straps on that dress that I never wear only because I hate the straps," or "I really do want to turn that t-shirt dress into a skirt," or "I should probably hem Jay's shorts because he asked me to do that LAST SUMMER (mega fail)."

But I haven't done any of those things. For some reason, I have this superwoman feeling that I could do it all tonight, in between laundry, packing, and going out for a nice dinner.

Maybe I can... maybe I will?

Stay tuned.

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