Monday, August 3, 2009

getting over myself

I make a lot of excuses. I can find hundreds of ways to procrastinate and always have reasons stockpiled to justify why I shouldn't take on a new task or project. It's too hot, I'm too tired, I don't have the materials, or, my personal favourite, I just can't be bothered.

But things are supposed to change, right? I'm supposed to be doing things for my own damn self!

So! I baked that damned peach pie, and it was damn easy and damn good!

Jay had picked up a basket of Ontario peaches a couple of days before, and some of them were already starting to turn. It was a good excuse for making my favourite pie and with the fruit and the hilarious stock-pile of baking ingredients left over from my pre-wedding panic a couple of months ago, I had everything I needed.

I used Martha's recipe for Pate Brisée, which is my hands-down favourite for flavour. I always err on the dry side of pie dough, which is a pain when I'm rolling it out, but really pays off when the pie is baked and the pastry is rich and a good mix of chewy and flaky.

For the filling, I peeled and sliced the peaches, then tossed them with some white sugar, a splash of lemon juice and a sprinkle of corn starch (I prefer tapioca, but I keep forgetting to pick some up). Before the pie went in the oven, I freaked out a bit because I could only smell the corn starch and I was worried my pie would come out tasting like glue.

Nope. It tasted like sweet peach heaven and Jay and I + 2 houseguests disappeared'er pretty quick.

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